1. It is being said that there have been two Hindustans. There is only one Hindustan – Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat”. There are two visions of understanding India, one as the “property of the family” on the second is to understand the glorious Sanatani culture of India. One cannot understand India until he comes out of the craze of “Indira is India - India is Indira”; “the Congress is country and country is the Congress” and “the isolation of the Congress is the isolation of India”.
2. Restoring the credibility-character-commitment of the Prime Minister's post.
3. Now, there is no “super prime minister's remote”. There is a Prime Minister full of "Iman-Iqbal and Insaf". Now, there is a Prime Minister who believes that the Constitution-Parliament-People’s Mandate are supreme.
4. Modi Era has removed “legacy of cut, commission and corruption” and “appeasement politics”.
5. The Modi Government has demolished the “Duping Appeasement” by “Determination to Development with Dignity”.
6. The Modi Government has ensured blockade of loot lobby from power corridors of Delhi.
7. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has replaced “Parikrama Politics” (Politics of Circumambulation) with the “Commitment of Performance”.
8. Prime Minister Shri Modi has put an end to “Lal Batti culture” (red beacon culture) which was synonymous with snobbery and naked show of power and status.
9. Priority has been given to provide the government resources to the last person standing. Linked inclusive development to the political priority of the community. It was once said that the first right on the resources of the country belongs to a particular sect.